Buzzing, to say the least.
The three of us woke up with more beans than your local cafe on fathers day. Buzzing.
Yo, wanna make a rap video today? YES! Yeah, c’mon, duh!
So there we were jammed into an apartment on main street, Vancouver. Not too much of a clue what we were up to but giggling hysterically as we write down lines on whatever form of paper we could get our hands on.
Hit the beat!
We tear off down to the beach and start filming — skateboard follow cams, jumping off logs, hoot’n and hollering — while trying to sync a speaker and match our beat to the lyrics we wrote half an hour ago. A tough ask.
Circa ‘18
It was a day for the books AND no clips were released that day, who would have thought.
Fast forward a year, we’re on ‘stage’ at a music festival Snowbombing, it’s Rap Kareoke. Your guys, the two of us, media passes dangling round our necks slept in a van in the frigid cold. With three goals in mind the cold didn’t slow us down one bit:
[1] Create an edit showcasing Snowbombing
[2] Wrangle our way into the staff buffett (For some reason not included in our media pass)
[3] Blow up Rap Kareoke
Done for the moment, yeah, well, maybe…
Then kick the can 6-years. 🦵🥫
A week before flying out to my sisters wedding.
Put us both in Squamish B.C. — The home of Hip-hop (ha-ha)!
And this right here is what surfaced from 5 days together.
We’re not at all sorry that we had an absolute blast creating this… art?
We’re not sorry that no parts of this are anywhere close to remotely perfect.
You may be starting to feel sorry for yourself that you were doom-scrolling the book and now just moments away from investing 5-mins of your hard-earned time to watch two-lads bop about in an old-growth forrest, and, I’m not sorry for that either. Nope.
YOUTUBE LINK in case that other bad boi doesn’t work for you or you want to add to our 7 views.
Again, Not Sorry,
Marlon 😊